共 2 筆相關資料
「雪」在藏語中表示「酸奶」,而「頓」則有「宴會」之意,因此雪頓節按字面上理解是吃酸奶的日子。(左) 當天藏族人民三五成群來到羅布林卡之內,在樹蔭之下鋪上地毯,共度節日。(右) In Tibetan, “Sho” means yogurt and “Dun” implies banquet, thus Sho Dun Festival is literally the day to have yogurts. (Left) People come to the Norbulingka in groups, sitting on blankets ...
雪頓節又稱「曬佛節」,節日一早,巨幅唐卡就由數百個喇嘛以長蛇形抬著上山,重量級唐卡讓一眾青壯年男子亦顯得有些吃力。每年雪頓節時,哲蚌寺會在寺外的山坡上掛上一幅高60米,寬40米,被視為聖物的大型唐卡佛像。由於佛像巨大且每年只會展出一次,因此每年都會吸引大批信眾專程趕來朝聖,亦令哲蚌寺曬佛儀式成為雪頓節正式開始的象徵。 In the morning of Sho Dun, which is also known as the festival of "Sunning of the Buddha", hundreds of lamas would carry the huge...