著名的前美國國家地理攝影大師Peter Menzel即將來臺灣,為新書進行拍攝計畫:「終曲:死亡與死亡儀式」。Peter Menzel以科學與環境議題專題聞名,至今已經拍攝許多膾炙人口的影像。這次來臺,他特別透過《國家地理》雜誌徵求一位隨身助理,能協助他採訪與聯繫受訪對象,並安排行程。
著名的前美國國家地理攝影大師Peter Menzel即將來臺灣,為新書進行拍攝計畫:「終曲:死亡與死亡儀式」。Peter Menzel以科學與環境議題專題聞名,至今已經拍攝許多膾炙人口的影像。這次來臺,他特別透過《國家地理》雜誌徵求一位隨身助理,能協助他採訪與聯繫受訪對象,並安排行程。
以下是Peter Menzel本次來台的工作計畫:
For the past decade we have been documenting the rituals, practices, beliefs, and culture surrounding the death of people in more than thirty countries. Having worked before in Taiwan before, we appreciate the culture and are fascinated by the transition of some of the old traditions. We want to include some present day death rituals. For a long term book project on death and death rituals world-wide we (Peter Menzel, photojournalist, and Faith D’Aluisio, writer/reporter) are looking to cover a professional funeral mourner at a funeral or wake in Taipei or close by.
September 29 – October 3
– Speak fluent English to research the subject, find a funeral mourner who is performing at a wake or funeral during that period.
– Contact a few of interviewees, and then accompany to help translate at one or two of their jobs.
– Strong communication skills, with the permission of the family, allow to photograph the wake/funeral (in a very professional, non-obtrusive, respectful and low-key way).
Please send your application to peter@menzelphoto.com