為了令1972年寶珊道的大規模山泥傾瀉不再重演,土力工程處設計及建造了寶珊排水隧道,以創新的地下水位調控系統控制該地段的地下水位。當排水斜管壓力計的數據超過預設值,系統中的虛擬「雙胞胎」會即時向工程人員通報,令他們可以迅速調節水位,減少發生大型山泥傾瀉風險。 To prevent large scale landslides like the 6.18 Landslide Disaster at Po Shan Road from happening again, the GEO designed and built the Po Shan Drainage Tunnel, which uses an innovative groundwater regulation system to control the groundwater level in the area. When the readings from the manometers of the sub-vertical drains exceed a preset threshold, the virtual “digital twins” of the Drainage Tunnel in the system will immediately identify the location(s) and notify the GEO's engineers so that they can take prompt actions to regulate the groundwater level to reduce the risk of major landslides.
智能泥石壩系統主要由安裝在泥石壩上的物聯網裝置組成。土力工程處副處長(規劃及標準)楊暉女士解釋智能泥石壩如何運作:「泥石壩一般位於天然河道或山坡,所以堆積在泥石壩後方的泥石難以被察覺。有見及此,土力工程處研發「智能泥石壩」系統,當感應器被泥石撞擊時,系統會即時向監察人員發出警報,並持續將數據和影像傳送給他們,以便適時安排跟進行動。監察人員亦可控制系統以收集更多實時數據和影像,令部門能更快速地應對緊急的山泥傾瀉事故。」 The Smart Barrier System comprises IoT( Internet of things )devices installed on debris-resisting barriers. Jenny Yeung, Deputy Head of the GEO(Planning and Standards), explained how it works. She said, “ Many barriers are located at natural stream courses or hillsides, where accumulation of landslide debris behind the barriers may easily go unnoticed. We therefore developed the Smart Barrier System. When landslide debris hits the impact switches, the system will immediately send alert signals to the monitoring officers and continue to provide them with data and images for arranging follow-up actions. The officers can also command the system to collect additional real-time measurements and images remotely, thus enabling us to take prompt actions in case of emergency situations. ”
土力工程處亦借助無人機在斜坡崩塌後第一時間搜集山泥傾瀉的數據,製作三維圖像,以免重要資料隨時間消失。此外,他們由2019年開始試驗以無人機在偏遠山坡的山泥傾瀉殘痕上播種,希望加快植物生長,令天然山坡得以盡快回復天然原貌。 To avoid losing time-critical data, the GEO uses drones to quickly reach landslide sites for inspection and to collect data for three-dimensional modelling. In addition, the Office started to try broadcasting seeding by drones in 2019 to revegetate landslide scars at remote pilot sites, with a view to speeding up the restoration of vegetation on natural hillsides.
土力工程處於2020年8月從外地引入兩隻機械狗,並與本地科創公司合作,訓練機械狗在山泥傾瀉現場收集數據,並利用測量儀器取得數據製成三維地形數碼模型。工程人員可以遠程控制機械狗進行視察,並將現場影像即時回傳至緊急控制中心。 The GEO introduced two robotic dogs, known as “ SPOT ” , to Hong Kong in August 2020. Local I&T companies were engaged to train the robotic dogs so that they can collect important information from landslide sites for 3D digital landscape modelling. Engineers can remotely steer the robotic dogs to survey the site and transmit real-time images to the Emergency Control Centre.
▲ 斜坡安全巡迴展覽 ▲ A roving exhibition of slope safety.
The GEO places great emphasis on raising public awareness of slope safety, reminding residents to pay attention to landslip warnings issued on rainy days and to remain vigilant. The Office also helps ensure that owners of private slopes meet their responsibility of slope maintenance through public education programs and “ Dangerous Hillside Orders ” issued by the Buildings Department.
In recent years, the GEO set up the Landslide Sci-Tech Chamber inside the Po Shan Drainage Tunnel, offering regular guided tours to convey the importance of slope safety to the public.
半個世紀以來,土力工程人員一直緊守崗位,致力維護香港的斜坡安全,與市民風雨同渡。全賴他們多年的努力,近年山泥傾瀉發生的次數和規模,以至傷亡人數都大大降低。 In the past 50 years, geotechnical engineers have been serving the community with dedication to ensure slope safety in Hong Kong, weathering challenges together with the public. Thanks to their hard work through the years, the frequency and scale of landslides as well as related casualties have significantly decreased in recent years.
香港許多地區皆屬丘陵地貌,城市發展往往要在靠近斜坡的地方進行,甚至需要開墾山坡。經過多年以來的風吹雨打,部分斜坡亦開始老化,加上極端天氣帶來更頻密的特大暴雨,山泥傾瀉的風險依然存在。市民除了在下雨天要特別留意山泥傾瀉的風險並遠離斜坡之外,日常生活中亦應該養成綠色低碳的生活習慣,令極端天氣減少出現,從而降低山泥傾瀉的風險。 With a mountainous terrain, Hong Kong's urban expansion and development often encroach upon steep hillsides, in some cases even involving building on hillsides. After years of being exposed to the elements, some of the slopes have started to degrade. Coupled with increasingly frequent rainstorms brought about by extreme weather, the risk of landslides remains a possibility. Apart from remaining vigilant and staying away from slopes on rainy days, members of the public can contribute by practising a greener lifestyle, so as to help reduce the occurrence of extreme weather, thereby lowering the risk of landslides.
展望將來,土力工程處會繼續無懼風雨維護香港的斜坡安全,並透過公眾教育令更多市民,尤其是年輕一輩,時刻注意山泥傾瀉的風險,將知識薪火相傳。 Looking ahead, the GEO will continue to maintain slope safety in Hong Kong, whatever the challenges. It will also continue to educate the public, in particular young people, to always be watchful of landslide risks, passing on the knowledge to our next generation.
▲ 探訪居所位於斜坡附近的村民 ▲ Outreach workers visit people who live near slopes.